Kitts should lobby federal government, Canadian Taxpayers Federation to empower CRA to recover billions for health care

Kitts should lobby federal government, Canadian Taxpayers Federation to empower CRA to recover billions for health care

As published in the Hill Times: March 20, 2017

I wrote this reply in response to an Ottawa Hospital donation request from CEO Jack Kitts:

It might prove a better use of your fund-raising energy to lobby the federal government and influential bodies like the Canadian Taxpayer’s Federation to empower Canada Revenue Agency to recover the billions of tax dollars lost annually to offshore tax havens. In a similar vein, you might encourage the federal government to impose a one per cent transaction tax on activities in Canada’s stock market.

Success in these ventures would generate ample funds and ensure the provision of world class health care to all Canadians. It is not too late to soundly reject the sort of “rugged individualist” mythology that leaves millions of Americans without care and threatens the same here.

Beyond that, it seems that lowering Canada’s corporate tax rate hasn’t stemmed the outward flow of jobs or improved the lot of working people. Quite the contrary. Therefore, please direct your attention to the sharks, the minnows have little to give.