Royalty both Trivial and Irrelevant

Royalty both Trivial and Irrelevant

As published in the Hill Times: 6 December 2021

A recent headline stated that “Prince Charles rejects claim he queried skin tone of Harry and Meghan's child.” It seems that many Canadians consider such declarations newsworthy. On the other hand, many could care less what this guy thinks.

British royalty’s enduring sense of entitlement and subsidized luxury is rendering them nearly as trivial as the Kardashian clan. While the former enjoy the perks of hereditary notoriety, the latter have worked tirelessly to establish their bizarre form of celebrity. Aside from that, and maybe the Kardashian’s Botox bill; I fail to see any significant differences between these families.

The gilded veneer of royal dignity gets thinner every day. We no longer need to venerate these people. Actually, we never did.