O’Toole’s Outhouse Problem

O’Toole’s Outhouse Problem

As published in Sun Media: July 30, 2021

You may have been privy to Erin O’Toole’s awful Porta Potty video. Now the Conservative leader has another outhouse problem, senior staffer Steve Outhouse to be specific.

Mr. Outhouse is simultaneously drawing a public salary while his firm; Intercede Communication, is paid to assist (possibly intercede on behalf of) socially-conservative candidates during their nomination campaigns.
Rather than the outhouse, voters might; figuratively speaking, take Mr. O’Toole to the woodshed for an electoral spanking over this issue.

Sarcasm and word play aside, I object to the idea of public servants double-dipping to promote any political ideology. The political role of public relations firms must be subject to greater public scrutiny, regulation and parliamentary oversight.