Clinton 2010-Reconditioned/Revisited

Clinton 2010-Reconditioned/Revisited
Cape Breton Post: October 22, 2010

Bill Clinton, great man of peace and communicator extraordinaire, is coming to Canada on October 29th. You know he has a flair for theatrics. Perhaps the National Arts Centre in Ottawa should stage a performance of Macbeth with Bill as the blood-haunted Danish king. Excessively dramatic you say? Hardly, I say, given his sordid history on the public stage.
Clinton’s whitewashed tenure as US president is stained by numerous atrocities and their ugly effects linger to the present day. His well-manicured hands drip with the blood of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, Kurds, Muslim Serbs and Sudanese, to name a few examples. I refer to his Iraqi sanctions; military support for Turkey’s Kurdish “counter-insurgency”; the NATO air strikes in Serbia that actually increased the rate of Serbian attacks against Muslims and of course, the “accidental” destruction of a Sudanese pharmaceutical plant mistaken for a Al Qaeda munitions factory-sorry about that.
If you actually plan to pay money to listen to this bloody huckster, you might wish to compare his rhetoric to the historical record. The facts are readily obtainable if one exerts a bit of effort. The medium really is the message in Clinton’s case and rest assured that he will answer no questions from the unwashed.