Peter MacKay Bails Out Before Drop Zone

Peter MacKay Bails Out Before the Drop Zone

As published in the Victoria Standard July 2015

Concerning Peter MacKay’s sudden exit from the Harper government; mainstream media has exercised an obediently collective blindness to his role in the ruthless genesis of the Conservative Party; much like Orwell’s "...really well-trained [Pavlovian] dog who turns somersaults when there is no whip."

Former Progressive Conservative leadership candidate David Orchard has consistently stated that he was betrayed by leadership rival Peter MacKay on the advice of current Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Mr. Orchard and Mr. MacKay were the candidates with the largest blocks of delegates when Orchard decided to support MacKay as leader of the Progressive Conservative Party according to certain terms later agreed to in writing.

“Point number one of our agreement was no merger or joint candidates with the Canadian Alliance.” Mr. Harper, the leader of the Canadian Alliance party, “…urged him [Mackay] to abandon his commitments to the membership of the PC Party and his agreement with me [Orchard], and to merge the party into the Canadian Alliance.” Mr. Mackay accomplished this surprise merger by subsequently allowing, “…tens of thousands of Alliance members to join the PC party to overwhelm our existing membership…”

The Conservative Party of Canada is hardly unique in its expedient conduct, although unfortunately; the mainstream media and Conservative voters seem willing to accept this charade of “principled leadership.”