Canada Stands by the U.S. in its Support of Genocide

Canada Stands by the U.S. in its Support of Genocide

Washington Report on Middle East Affairs: June/July 2024 – Vol. XLIII #4

Bob Rae, Canada’s United Nations ambassador, recently stated that:
“…the ultimate responsibility for the conduct of the {Gaza] war lies with the parties who are fighting.’” In so stating, Mr. Rae, a former Rhodes Scholar, ignores the United States’ pivotal role in providing Israel with weapons, money and diplomatic support. Of course, Rae’s rhetoric reflects official Canada’s deference to U.S. Middle East policy.



“History contradicts claims that Hamas’ October 7 attacks unprovoked”: Canadian Dimension: May 25, 2024: Canada

“Canada’s UN Ambassador Supports Israeli Expansion by Peace Process”: Canadian Dimension::March 19, 2024: Canada

“Hezbollah Still a Useful Boogeyman for Israel and United States”: Canadian Dimension: January 15, 2024: Canada

“Hamas attacks on Israel inevitable”: Canadian Dimension: Oct.15, 2023: Canada



Political Commentary/Political Economy/History: 81

“History contradicts claims that Hamas’ October 7 attacks unprovoked”: Canadian Dimension: May 25, 2024: Canada
“Canada’s UN Ambassador Supports Israeli Expansion by Peace Process”: Canadian Dimension::March 19, 2024: Canada

“Hezbollah Still a Useful Boogeyman for Israel and United States”: Canadian Dimension: January 15, 2024: Canada

“Hamas attacks on Israel inevitable”: Canadian Dimension: Oct.15, 2023: Canada

“Putin the Latest Boogieman”: Espirit de Corps: May, 2022: Canada

History contradicts claims that Hamas’ October 7 attacks unprovoked


History contradicts claims that Hamas’ October 7 attacks unprovoked

Morgan Duchesney: May 25, 2024

Canada’s mainstream media has expressed outrage at the “moral equivalency” of the International Criminal Court’s simultaneous “…arrest warrants for alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity…” by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar.

Hanson Misses the Point on University Free Speech

Hanson Misses the Point on University Free Speech

Ottawa Sun: 11 May 2024

Victor Davis Hanson’s recent article, “can the current universities be saved?” offers numerous bold statements on the sad state of America’s youth but no supporting evidence. Apparently the mere words of this classics scholar and political commentator are sufficient to convince readers.

Mulroney Ignored Working People - Made Canada a Harsher Place

Mulroney Ignored Working People - Made Canada a Harsher Place

Perhaps it is time for some clarity on the late Brian Mulroney’s harsh legacy

The Hill Times: 27 March 2024

Before becoming prime minister in 1983, “labor lawyer” Mulroney was president of the Iron Ore Company of Canada, and after arranging severance for redundant Schefferville, Quebec employees; he quietly dismissed the company’s Labrador workers with nothing.

Canada’s UN Ambassador Supports Israeli “Expansion by Peace Process”

Canada’s UN Ambassador Supports Israeli “Expansion by Peace Process”

Bob Rae pretends the ‘peace process’ is something other than a cynical tactic designed by Israel to annex all Palestinian land

As published in Canadian Dimension: March 19, 2024

Hezbollah Still a Useful Boogeyman for Israel and United States

Hezbollah Still a Useful Boogeyman for Israel and United States

Canadian Dimension: January 15, 2024

The Israeli state is rightly concerned about the possibility of large-scale attacks from the Lebanese militia group Hezbollah. Much is made of the group’s links to Iran, Israel’s former ally and current Middle East competitor. In the subjective world of realpolitik, good and evil are defined by whether or not a given state supports the actions of another.

Trudeau’s Rhetoric Masks Official Support for Israeli Militarism

Trudeau’s Rhetoric Masks Official Support for Israeli Militarism

Washington Report on Middle East Affairs
January / February: 2024 – Vol. XLIII No.1

Kissinger’s realpolitik: a legacy of strife and misery

Kissinger’s realpolitik: a legacy of strife and misery

As published in the Hill Times: Dec. 6, 2023

The recent death of Henry Kissinger will undoubtedly inspire grand efforts to sanitize his record of cynically fomenting conflict at the behest of U.S. imperialism.

For example, Kissinger was a key player in exaggerating the Cold War Soviet military threat, assisting Indonesia’s 1965 peasant genocide, planning the 1970s carpet-bombing of Cambodia and Laos, advising the brutal Shah of Iran and helping General Pinochet destroy Chilean democracy 1973.

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