Why Do Mice Vote for Cats?

Why Do Mice Vote for Cats?

Hill Times: January 29, 2025

I wonder how the late Tommy Douglas would have responded to a character like Donald Trump? Canada once boasted a bold politician who understood the value of subtle humor and a clever analogy.

Israel and ICC Arrest Warrants - Netanyahu Finally Accountable for his Conduct

Israel and ICC Arrest Warrants

Netanyahu Finally Accountable for his Conduct

Hill Times: 27 November 2024 / Washington Report on Middle East Affairs: January/February 2025

After 61 years of existence, the International Criminal Court (ICC) has finally indicted a pair of Western-backed leaders. It is a pity it took 44,000 Palestinian deaths to inspire such action.

Stephen Harper’s “Moral Clarity” in Defense of Israeli Exceptionalism

Stephen Harper’s “Moral Clarity” in Defense of Israeli Exceptionalism

Canadian Dimension: 20 November 2024

Why Does Israel Insist on Armed Conflict?


Washington Report on Middle East Affairs: November / December 2024

The claim that the brutality of Israel’s ongoing Gaza campaign is completely justified by Hamas’ Oct. 7, 2023, attack on Israel is outrageous. Only someone unaware of Israel’s history could honestly believe that the Hamas attack was entirely unprovoked. I wonder how Israelis or any other group would behave had they been trapped in a blockaded territory since 2006.

Remembrance Day -2024: Soldiers Used and Discarded by "Leaders"

Remembrance Day Thoughts – 2024

Inverness Oran: 12 November 2024

Behind the poppies and public recognition of past valor lurks a lingering public tendency to minimize the true horror and futility of armed conflict. This is understandable among people who have never directly experienced the terror of foreign invasion or occupation. Unfortunately, our safe distance from others’ suffering encourages many to justify and excuse military solutions to international strife.

JNF’s loss of charitable status justified by its conduct

JNF’s loss of charitable status justified by its conduct

Hill Times - Sept. 4, 2024 / Washington Report on Middle East Affairs - October 2024

The Jewish National Fund (JNF) has operated in Canada for over 100 years, accepting charitable donations from Canadians who support the State of Israel, its goals and actions.

While the JNF does raise funds to plant trees and build infrastructure (military and civilian) in Israel, its main objective is buying so-called state land in Israel proper and restricting its sale and use to Israeli Jews.

Gaza Article Provides Broad but Incomplete Perspective

Gaza Article Provides Broad but Incomplete Perspective

Cape Breton Post (Saltwire): August 1, 2024

Gwynn Dyers's July 30 Gaza article provides a broad but incomplete perspective on the ongoing Israel assault on Gaza that followed Hamas' October 7, 2023 attack on Israel. As Dyer mentioned, Hamas' attack was partly a barbaric ploy to maintain their relevance by antagonizing the Israeli state.

Unmentioned is Israel's intent to convince Arab states to ignore the Palestinian cause by offering advanced arms and surveillance gear to dictators eager to suppress dissent.

Canada Stands by the U.S. in its Support of Genocide

Canada Stands by the U.S. in its Support of Genocide

Washington Report on Middle East Affairs: June/July 2024 – Vol. XLIII #4

Bob Rae, Canada’s United Nations ambassador, recently stated that:
“…the ultimate responsibility for the conduct of the {Gaza] war lies with the parties who are fighting.’” In so stating, Mr. Rae, a former Rhodes Scholar, ignores the United States’ pivotal role in providing Israel with weapons, money and diplomatic support. Of course, Rae’s rhetoric reflects official Canada’s deference to U.S. Middle East policy.



Founded in 1963, Canadian Dimension is a forum for debate on important issues facing the Canadian Left today, and a source for analysis of national and regional politics, labour, economics, world affairs and art.

“Stephen Harper’s Moral Clarity in Defense of Israeli Exceptionalism”: Canadian Dimension: 20 November 20 2024: Canada

“History contradicts claims that Hamas’ October 7 attacks unprovoked”: Canadian Dimension: May 25, 2024: Canada

“Canada’s UN Ambassador Supports Israeli Expansion by Peace Process”: Canadian Dimension::March 19, 2024: Canada



Political Commentary/Political Economy/History: 81

“History contradicts claims that Hamas’ October 7 attacks unprovoked”: Canadian Dimension: May 25, 2024: Canada
“Canada’s UN Ambassador Supports Israeli Expansion by Peace Process”: Canadian Dimension::March 19, 2024: Canada

“Hezbollah Still a Useful Boogeyman for Israel and United States”: Canadian Dimension: January 15, 2024: Canada

“Hamas attacks on Israel inevitable”: Canadian Dimension: Oct.15, 2023: Canada

“Putin the Latest Boogieman”: Espirit de Corps: May, 2022: Canada

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