Khadr not War Criminal-What About Bush?

If Omar Khadr is a criminal, what about George W. Bush?

Published in Ottawa Citizen, Ottawa Sun & Cape Breton Post: Oct. 27th, 2010

I have little sympathy for Omar Khadr, but, if he is indeed a war criminal, what does that make George W. Bush on the grand scale of criminality? Far from being held accountable for his actions, Bush has become a motivational speaker earning vast sums for sharing his memories with deluded throngs.
Khadr, on the other hand, killed an elite special forces medic, hardly a naive bystander. I believe imperialist sentiments are so ingrained in our culture that most of us naturally accept the notion that our actions are noble by default because of our assumed morality and courage. Perhaps Bush should visit Khadr and explain why his manicured hands are less bloody.

Morgan Duchesney