Review Mackay's Past (long version)

REVIEW MACKAY’S PAST (long version)

As published in the Ottawa Sun / The Province: 9 February 2020

Before supporting federal leadership prospect Peter MacKay, you might wish to review his 2003 behaviour and family links to political power. Peter MacKay’s father, Elmer, was a Mulroney-era cabinet minister who vacated his seat for the future Tory prime minister.

It is naïve to assume that MacKay, Justin Trudeau, Paul Martin and others from political power families prospered solely on their personal merits. It’s almost a form of homegrown aristocracy minus the titles.

According to a Postmedia article, Peter MacKay acted with ruthless expediency to facilitate Stephen Harper’s leadership of the new Conservative party. “MacKay had made (a deal) with leadership rival David Orchard for his support. The ‘Orchard agreement’ was kept secret initially, but it was soon public knowledge that MacKay had agreed to steer clear of a merger with Harper’s Canadian Alliance. The agreement was made at the leadership convention in May 2003 and, by the end of that year, MacKay had broken the pledge.”

Are you willing to support a son of privilege who behaved in such a cynical manner, demonstrating an obvious belief that victory justifies ethical compromise and expediency? If so, then I may get the sort of government that you deserve.