Ford’s Cone of Climate Silence

Ford’s Cone of Climate Silence

As published in the Ottawa Citizen: September 1, 2018.

Like Stephen Harper and Donald Trump, Doug Ford has chosen to silence government scientists who might shed light on climate change. Were these researchers to deny the human role in catastrophic weather events; Ford would spare no effort to broadcast their findings. Unfortunately, he and his advisors can depend on the following information.

Humanity's general eagerness to be conned and manipulated must be genetic. Enthusiastic gullibility has existed since the beginning of history in every culture and nation. There is nothing unique about Doug Ford and the simplistic philosophy he has been convinced to peddle. Concealing contradictory facts while appealing to short-term, economic self-interest has proven to be a remarkably successful strategy.

If you voted for Doug Ford’s party as an antidote to Kathleen Wynn, I understand. However, since I didn’t support either of these premiers; I still endure governments that others deserve. I think we all know what to do.