Gaza Article Provides Broad but Incomplete Perspective

Gaza Article Provides Broad but Incomplete Perspective

Cape Breton Post (Saltwire): August 1, 2024

Gwynn Dyers's July 30 Gaza article provides a broad but incomplete perspective on the ongoing Israel assault on Gaza that followed Hamas' October 7, 2023 attack on Israel. As Dyer mentioned, Hamas' attack was partly a barbaric ploy to maintain their relevance by antagonizing the Israeli state.

Unmentioned is Israel's intent to convince Arab states to ignore the Palestinian cause by offering advanced arms and surveillance gear to dictators eager to suppress dissent.

Dyer describes Hamas and other Palestinian groups as "rejectionist" without specifying what it is they reject. It can't be peace since Israel had previously rejected both Hamas’ 1988 peace offer and the 2002 Arab League Peace Initiative stipulating the “…establishment of normal relations in the context of a comprehensive peace with Israel…” because both offers required “…full Israeli withdrawal from all the Arab territories occupied since June 1967…”

This strife could have been avoided had Israel not rejected both Hamas’ 1988 peace offer and the 2002 Arab League Peace Initiative stipulating the “…establishment of normal relations in the context of a comprehensive peace with Israel…” because both offers required “…full Israeli withdrawal from all the Arab territories occupied since June 1967…”

I am certain that all Palestinians reject the onerous conditions under which Gaza has existed since the 2006 legal election of Hamas, a former Israeli ally against Fatah, the other Palestinian political entity.

Since that 2006 election, Gazans has endured Israeli control of their airspace, sea and land borders, an economic blockade and regular Israel attacks of disproportionate violence with full U.S. support. The consistent use of overwhelming force is not an anomaly but has been official Israeli military (Dahiya) doctrine since the 1982 Lebanon War.

As Dyer stated, only the U.S. has the clout to impose a ceasefire. Unfortunately, until the United States no longer needs the services of its Middle East ally, Israel will continue to enjoy the impunity facilitated by generous American military, financial and diplomatic support.

Morgan Duchesney