- Articles
- 911’s Deeper Significance – an Oppositional Perspective
- A 2002 Critique of the Prime Minister's Office
- Afghanistan’s TAPI Pipeline – We Stand on Guard for Free
- All Published Work: Politics / Martial Arts / Short Fiction
- Anti-Globalization 1999-A Canadian Perspective
- Anti-Semitism and Criticism of Israeli Militarism
- Article: Canadian governments embrace IHRA “Working Definition of antisemitism”
- Attack Ads Toxic to Democracy
- Bailing-out Trudeau’s Bail-in Regime
- Book Review - December 2015: The Harper Years in Retrospect
- Book Review and Commentary: Among the Truthers: A Journey Through America’s Growing Conspiracist Underground
- Canada Acknowledges Indigenous Genocide
- Canada Backs Palestinian Self-determination
- Canada Doesn’t Need Saudi Arabia
- Canada Indifferent to Palestinian Autonomy
- Canada Justifies Afghanistan Tragedy
- Canada Moves to Protect Sharks
- Canada without NAFTA
- Canada’s 150th more Than a Party
- Canada’s Lingering Reefer Madness
- Canada’s Nuclear Hypocrisy
- Canada’s UN Ambassador Supports Israeli “Expansion by Peace Process”
- Canada’s Venezuelan Meddling a Pre-election Diversion
- Canadian Perspective on the 2008 U.S. Financial Crisis
- Canadian Rebuke to Saudi Arabia Long Overdue
- Critique of Sophie Dulesh Article in Humanist Perspectives Issue 192: Spring 2015 - Reflections on the State of Israel
- Cruelty-Free Cosmetics Act Long Overdue
- Cultural Theory of Risk
- Cuts to Carbon Emissions must Be Greater, Faster
- David Frum’s Kleptocracts
- Dying for Oil: Business as Usual-Canada and the TAPI Pipeline
- Economist Magazine Content With Israeli Policy
- Election 2019 – Canada’s Free Speech Distraction
- Election 2019: Trudeau’s Ethics Mirror Harper’s
- Expediency, Power and Oppression
- Exporting Terrorism
- Federal Media Bailout
- Foundations of Self-Defense
- Free Market Principles for Banks
- Gaza's Agony: an Alternative Perspective on Recent Events
- Gender Differences in Personal Advertisements
- Haitian Intervention Fatigue
- Hamas attacks on Israel inevitable - terrible retaliation was only a matter of time
- Harper Offers False Choice for Middle East Peace
- Harper’s Israeli Foreign Legion
- Hezbollah Still a Useful Boogeyman for Israel and United States
- Highland Scots Experience Parallels Palestinian Case
- Historical Context Absent from Gaza Commentary
- History Contradicts Claims That Hamas’ October 7 Attacks Unprovoked
- Inbalance in Canada's Parliament 2002
- Indigenous Sovereignty Impacting Canada’s Evolving Energy Sector
- Iran’s Ukraine Air Disaster Not Terrorism
- Jason Kenney’s Ministry of Truth
- Just Don’t Call MMA an Art
- Karate Organizations: A Theoretical Approach
- Karate and Spirituality
- Kinder Morgan’s Bailout Blunder
- Left/Right Concept Outdated
- Liberals Impose Conservative Carbon Tax
- More Unpublished Letters & Articles
- Navigating Ethics and Compromise in Martial Arts
- Palestine Becomes the Modern State of Israel
- Palestinian Nakba and Israel's Creation Deserve Equal Recognition
- Paradise Canada
- Peace Process
- Peace Talks Really Permanent Delaying Tactic
- Peter MacKay: Let Veterans Eat Cake
- Political Engagement Requires Sacrifice
- Politicians tip-toeing around Bill 21 during election
- Radio interviews: Canadian Council of Chief Executives
- Rare Book Suggests North American Holocaust
- Reality of U.S. Record on Cuba
- Reality-Based Self-Defense
- Regulation and Deregulation
- Remembering to Forget - November Eleventh’s Collective Amnesia
- Royal Visit 2016 - Junior Team Tours the West Coast
- Saudi Oppression Boosts Canada’s Economy
- Stephen Harper Still Exerting Influence
- Stephen Harper’s “Moral Clarity” in Defense of Israeli Exceptionalism
- Summer Jobs Program and Charter Declarations Aren’t Anti-Anything
- Symbolic Democracy in Canada
- Syrian Syriana
- Ten Million Dollar Khadr Award Latest Cost of Canada's “Tagalong” Foreign Policy
- The Canadian Council of Chief Executives: Northern Oligarchy
- The Country of Quebec Versus the Province of Cape Breton
- The Humanistic Value of Martial Arts (Budo)
- The Political Economy of Afghanistan
- The Real Bank Crisis: Protecting Profits at Public Expense
- The Shift From Repressive to Restitutive Justice
- The World Trade Organization
- Trudeau Meek on Trump’s Jerusalem Gambit
- Trudeau Renews UNRWA Funding - Quietly Accepts Israeli Dominance in Palestine
- Trudeau’s Economic Imbalance – Labour and Social Democrats Excluded from New Advisory Council
- Trudeau’s Electoral Evasions
- Trudeau’s Gun Laws: A Work in Progress
- Trudeau’s Security Council Bid
- Trudeau’s Sprinkle Spin
- Trump off the Political Spectrum
- Trump’s Abraham Accords Incited Hamas Attack
- Trump’s Punitive Peace Process - Palestinians Pressured to Accept Israeli Terms
- Unpublished Ottawa: Barrigar’s Middle East Dualism Devoid of Nuance
- Welfare Fraud
- Western Separatist Rhetoric Inevitable
- Who will commemorate the Nakba in Canada? BRIAR PATCH – BLOG
- Wounded Veterans Deserve Better
- Zanshin and Personal Security Concepts
- Author's Bio