Trump off the Political Spectrum

Trump off the Political Spectrum

As published in the Victoria Standard: November 22, 2016

Haitian Intervention Fatigue

Haitian Intervention Fatigue

Originally published in The Leveller: November 23, 2016.
Modified version republished in the Victoria Standard: January 16, 2017. (The Threat of Competent Leadership)

Royal Visit 2016 - Junior Team Tours the West Coast

Royal Visit 2016-Junior Team Tours the West Coast

As published in the Victoria Standard: October 11, 2016.

The September 2016 royal tour of British Columbia may temporarily boost Canadian monarchism but a recent Forum poll indicates that support for the house of Windsor is waning. Increasingly, public veneration of royal personalities resembles celebrity wordship; not unlike that bestowed upon movie stars and reality show presidential candidates.

Remembering to Forget - November Eleventh’s Collective Amnesia

Remembering to Forget - November Eleventh’s Collective Amnesia

As published in the Victoria Standard: November 8, 2016.

Haitian disaster assistance: aid or long-overdue debt?

Haitian disaster assistance: aid or long-overdue debt?

As published in The Hill Times: Oct 19, 2016

Every time Haiti suffers a natural disaster the mainstream media reflexively laments the political corruption blocking Western aid to the island’s sick and injured. Unfortunately, dominant commentary on Haiti, a former “slave republic”, lacks depth and historical context.

Questioning Shimon Peres’ Legacy

Questioning Shimon Peres’ Legacy

Like many older Israelis, Shimon Peres was a Polish national who immigrated to the new Jewish colony underway in Palestine. While European anti-Semitism was a major factor in the mass Jewish exit from Poland; the Zionist enterprise was active long before Hitler’s birth and the eventual rise of Nazism.

Highland Scots Experience Parallels Palestinian Case

Highland Scots Experience Parallels Palestinian Case

As published in the Victoria Standard: September 13, 2016

Barrigar’s Middle East Dualism Devoid of Nuance

Barrigar’s Middle East Dualism Devoid of Nuance

As published in Unpublished Ottawa: August 26, 2016.

Trump Infuriates U.S. Israeli Lobby

Trump Infuriates U.S. Israeli Lobby

As published in the Victoria Standard: August 6, 2016.

In spite of his divisive rhetoric on U.S. domestic issues; Donald Trump’s public statements on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict are surprisingly sensible. Reasonable enough, in fact; to infuriate the Israeli lobby and its neoconservative agents in the Republican Party who adhere to a policy of Israeli exceptionalism.

Reality of U.S. Record on Cuba

Reality of U.S. Record on Cuba

As published in Adbusters: Issue 126-Volume 24-Number 4: July/August 2016 and the Victoria Standard: April 11, 2016.

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