Israeli Legitimacy and the BDS Movement

Israeli Legitimacy and Condemnation of the BDS Movement

As published in the Victoria Standard: April 25, 2016

Iran Justified in Opposing Inspections

Iran Justified in Opposing Inspections

As published in the Washington Report on the Middle East: October, 2015.

Kissinger’s Khmer Killing Fields

Kissinger’s Khmer Killing Fields

As published in the Victoria Standard: March 14, 2016

After learning that RCMP officers in Cambodia have been pursuing war crimes investigations concerning three former members of the Khmer Rouge; I couldn’t help but remember Henry Kissinger’s orders to the U.S. Air Force prior to 1973’s massive and illegal bombing campaign against Cambodia and Laos: “…anything that flies on anything that moves.”

Rebel "Poll" on Proportional Representation

Rebel "Poll" on Proportional Representation

as published in the Victoria Standard: February 29, 2016

I wonder if opponents of proportional representation (PR) have a comprehensive understanding of it or if they merely fear the prospect that electoral change will give a public voice to causes they despise? Might it not be preferable to debate the issues rather than seek to exclude opponents from the political arena?

Trudeau's Israeli Status Quo

Trudeau's Israeli Status Quo Ignores Palestinians

As published in the Victoria Standard: February 1, 2016.

Apparently, Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu “digs” Justin Trudeau; who affirmed official Canada’s ongoing support for Israel at the recent Davos summit. Canadian support for Israel likely means a quiet continuation of business ties, military liaison and silence on Israel’s illegal settlement and expansion activities in the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights; all in open violation of international law.

Protective Stupidity Rules Nuclear Policy

Protective Stupidity Rules Nuclear Policy

As published in the Victoria Standard: January 18, 2016

I share Justin Trudeau’s concern about North Korea's recent activities and nuclear proliferation in general. However, I must note that no one seems willing to comment publicly on the greater destabilizing hazard of Israel's growing arsenal of high-tech nuclear weapons, sophisticated delivery systems (including submarines) and sinister nuclear strategy.

Terror Dolls of Haifa

Terror Dolls of Haifa
(please don't encourage the stone-throwers - they might scratch our tanks)

As published in the Victoria Standard: January 17, 2016

Book Review: The Harper Years in Retrospect

Book Review: The Harper Years in Retrospect

Self-published by Author: John E. Trent
Hard copy: Octopus Books and the Wakefield General Store $5.00 plus tax
Online version:
PDF] Harper's Canada - John E. Trent

As published in the Peace and Environment News: December 2015

The worth of Trent’s book is undiminished by the fact that Stephen Harper is no longer Prime Minister. The concise volume provides a detailed and revealing retrospective of the Harper years and a comparative standard for current and future governments.

Remember - Eternal War Motives: Power, Profit and Politics

Remembrance Day

Eternal War Motives: Power, Profit and Politics

As published in the Victoria Standard: December 7, 2015

The approach of Remembrance Day heralds a national day of solemn respect for Canada’s war dead and provides a forum for important questions about war before our collective amnesia and historical revisionism purges certain bloody facts from history. The following comments represent my opinion on the powerful interests who profit from war, often with public subsidy. The soldier’s lot is mainly mortal risk and low pay.

Harper’s Last Entitlement (memories of David Dingwall)

Harper’s Last Entitlement (memories of David Dingwall)

As published in the Victoria Standard: November 15, 2015

Justin Trudeau, knees aching from his recent loyalty oaths to the Queen of Canada; graciously lavished public funds on Harper’s final Challenger flight to Calgary. Those who feel that Stephen Harper is entitled to this privilege probably agree that all Prime Ministers deserve publicly-subsidized housing and food during their occupation of the official residence. Alternatively, a modest apartment seems adequate for Pope Francis.

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