Canada without NAFTA

Canada without NAFTA

As published in the Victoria Standard: September 17, 2018.

Canada doesn’t need NAFTA, especially a deal negotiated with a U.S. president who can’t be trusted to act responsibly. The notion that Canada is somehow capable of abusing or taking trade liberties with the United States is beyond ridiculous.

Trump’s Punitive Peace Process - Palestinians Pressured to Accept Israeli Terms

Trump’s Punitive Peace Process - Palestinians Pressured to Accept Israeli Terms
(Palestine Absorbed into Israel “Piece by Piece”)

In an arrogant bid to force the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) to resume peace talks, the Trump government has revoked visas for the Palestinian envoy to the United States, shut the PLO General Delegation Office in Washington and froze all PLO bank accounts. This is a classic example of the ancient maxim, “the powerful do as they please and fairness applies only between those equal in power.”

Harper Defines anti-Semitism by Assumption

Harper Defines anti-Semitism by Assumption

As published in the Hill Times: Sept. 12, 2018 & the Ottawa Sun: Sept. 13, 2018.

Canadian Rebuke to Saudi Arabia Long Overdue

Canadian Rebuke to Saudi Arabia Long Overdue

As published in the Victoria Standard: August 29, 2018.

After decades of quietly tolerating Saudi Arabia’s ugly human rights record, Canada recently objected by Twitter, sharply annoying both the regime and those who deal profitably with the oil-rich kingdom.

Ford’s Cone of Climate Silence

Ford’s Cone of Climate Silence

As published in the Ottawa Citizen: September 1, 2018.

Like Stephen Harper and Donald Trump, Doug Ford has chosen to silence government scientists who might shed light on climate change. Were these researchers to deny the human role in catastrophic weather events; Ford would spare no effort to broadcast their findings. Unfortunately, he and his advisors can depend on the following information.

Baird's Gold Standard on Saudi Human Rights

Baird's Gold Standard on Saudi Human Rights

Published: August 31, 2018 – Ottawa Sun

As Stephen Harper’s UN spokesman, John Baird used to say, “I refuse to go along to get along,” at least when the slightest criticism of Israel was involved. Lately, the previous foreign affairs minister has embraced a newfound flexibility as a paid adviser to Barrick Gold, a Canadian company with mining interests in Saudi Arabia.



- various articles deemed unprintable by the corporate press


“Gaza’s Agony: An Alternative Perspective on Recent Events”: Humanist Perspectives: Spring 2015. Canada

“Canadian Perspective on U.S. Financial Crisis”: Humanist Perspectives: Summer, 2013 & National Library of Australia: Canada/Australia

“Canada’s Banking System: Reality and Myth”: Humanist Perspectives, Spring, 2013 and National Library of Australia: Canada/Australia

“Historical Context: Palestine Becomes the Modern state of Israel”: Humanist Perspectives: Autumn, 2011: Canada



* nominated as 2019 finalist in Best Local Columnist category: Newspapers Atlantic Better Newspapers Competition

"Federal Media Bailout": Victoria Standard: 12 March 2020: Canada
"Iran’s Ukraine Air Disaster Not Terrorism": Victoria Standard: February 12, 2020: Canada
"Jason Kenney’s Ministry of Truth": Victoria Standard: January 15, 2020: Canada.
"Canada Backs Palestinian Self-determination": Victoria Standard: December 18, 2019: Canada.

Stephen Harper Still Exerting Influence

Stephen Harper Still Exerting Influence

As published in the Victoria Standard: August 7 , 2018.

Recent media reports about Stephen Harper’s public activities suggest that he has been quietly active since losing power and quitting as Conservative leader in 2015. In spite of Harper’s low public profile, he has advised senior Republican figures, written a political book, chairs the 80 member International Democratic Union and leverages influence through his consultancy firm.

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