Historical Context: Palestine Becomes the Modern State of Israel

Historical Context: Palestine Becomes the Modern State of Israel

As published in Humanist Perspectives Autumn 2011

Sue Former Mayor O’Brien Over Cancelling Seimen’s Deal

Letter to Editor - 2011:

Sue Former Mayor O’Brien Over Cancelling Seimen’s Deal

As published in the Ottawa Sun: September 8, 2011

Smog Denial

Letter to Editor - 2011:

Smog Denial

As published in Ottawa Citizen: October 21, 2011.

Our urban culture remains mired in a dangerously auto-centric mindset supported by the ease and convenience of personal automobile use. By employing deep denial, the motorists who exacerbate the health risks of smog continue to exercise their prerogative for personal mobility at the cost of other peoples’ health.

Book Review and Commentary: Among the Truthers: A Journey Through America’s Growing Conspiracist Underground

Book Review and Commentary: Among the Truthers: A journey Through America’s Growing Conspiracist Underground:
By Jonathan Kay

As published in the Peace and Environment News: July / August 2011.

Dying for Oil: Business as Usual-Canada and the TAPI Pipeline

Dying for Oil: Business as Usual-Canada and the TAPI Pipeline

As published in the Peace and Environment News: September / October 2011.

The Canadian Council of Chief Executives: Northern Oligarchy


Humanist Perspectives: Spring 2011 and National Library of Australia

Why does the Canada’s most influential and powerful business lobby group rate only three mentions in a mainstream newspaper like the Ottawa Citizen throughout 2010? The Canadian Council of Chief Executives (CCCE) has somehow maintained a lower profile than its powerful but lesser cousins, the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers and the Canadian Chamber of Commerce.

Wikileakers Perform Public Service

Wikileakers Perform a Public Service

As published in the Ottawa Citizen: Dec. 2, 2010

Far from being traitors or criminals, the so-called Wikileakers, at considerable risk to themselves, are providing the public with valuable information that we have every right to access. In most cases, it is our information being withheld by elected and unelected bureaucrats who seem to feel that only they are fit to decide what the public should know about public affairs.

Peace Talks Really Permanent Delaying Tactic

Peace talks really permanent delaying tactic to seize land

Morgan Duchesney, Feb. 28, 2011

Israeli Stealth bombers

No one is willing to stop Israeli actions

As published in Cape Breton Post: Nov. 16, 2010

Khadr not War Criminal-What About Bush?

If Omar Khadr is a criminal, what about George W. Bush?

Published in Ottawa Citizen, Ottawa Sun & Cape Breton Post: Oct. 27th, 2010

I have little sympathy for Omar Khadr, but, if he is indeed a war criminal, what does that make George W. Bush on the grand scale of criminality? Far from being held accountable for his actions, Bush has become a motivational speaker earning vast sums for sharing his memories with deluded throngs.

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