Harper, Nicholson, Fantino & MacKay: There’s No “Bread” - Let Veterans Eat Cake

Harper, Nicholson, Fantino & MacKay: There’s No “Bread” - Let Veterans Eat Cake

As published in the Media Co-op: May 28, 2014

“Nothing over the centuries has more often been urged than the social rewards of hardship, urged by those who will not have to suffer it.”

Jim Flaherty’s Future

Jim Flaherty’s Future

As published in the Ottawa Citizen, the Ottawa Sun, The Victoria Standard and the Toronto Star: March 22, 2014

As Jim Flaherty retires to “private life”, I wish him a speedy recovery from his lingering illness. Missing from the goodbye accolades is any mention of Flaherty’s greatest failure. Whether sick or healthy; Flaherty lacked the will to take any serious steps to collect the billions in unpaid taxes that sit safely in foreign tax shelters.

Harper's False Choice for Middle East Peace

Harper's False Choice for Middle East Peace

As published in the Ottawa Sun and Toronto Star: February 10, 2014

Inspired perhaps by the fading echoes of George W. Bush; Stephen Harper has presented Canadians with a false choice on Middle East peace: either voice “absolute, non-negotiable belief in Israel” or be declared an anti-Semite. Stephen Harper refuses to be a real friend to the Israelis in the sense that he excuses their more objectionable behaviour for the sake of political support, business deals and misplaced guilt.

Foundations of Self-Defense

Foundations of Self-Defense

As published in the Ottawa Citizen: March 3, 2014

Rounding the final corner, Natalie methodically scanned the gathering darkness. Her heart jumped slightly when a large shadow flitted across the periphery and she slowed her breathing, straightened her posture and moved to the road’s centre; cellphone in hand. Sensing no danger; Natalie relaxed slightly and mentally prepared for the evening’s self-defense class.

Harper Offers False Choice for Middle East Peace

Harper Offers False Choice for Middle East Peace

As published in the Canadian Charger: February 18, 2014

Inspired perhaps by the fading echoes of George W. Bush; Stephen Harper has presented Canadians with a false choice on Middle East peace: either voice “absolute, non-negotiable belief in Israel” or be declared an anti-Semite. Stephen Harper refuses to be a real friend to the Israelis in the sense that he excuses their more objectionable behaviour for the sake of political support, business deals and misplaced guilt.

Simon Kent’s Dead Pool

Simon Kent’s Dead Pool: The Subjectivity of Masssacres - It Leads When "We" Bleed

Ottawa Sun: October 2013

Equal Disclosure of Spending for all Who Receive Tax Benefits

Equal Disclosure of Spending for all Who Receive Tax Benefits

Ottawa Sun: Nov. 2. 2013

Chemical Weapons: Yes to Israel in Gaza – No to Assad in Syria

Chemical Weapons: Yes to Israel in Gaza – No to Assad in Syria

Ottawa Sun: Sept. 7, 2013

We are being told that the Assad regime in Syria has used chemical weapons against opposition forces. While this may be so, I have seen no credible evidence in the corporate media. However, Human Rights Watch, the UN and Israeli peace groups have issued detailed reports on Israel’s use and abuse of this chemical weapon white phosphorous in Gaza during the IDF’s 2009 Operation Cast Lead. Where is the corporate media on this hypocrisy?

Divinity or Bovinity: shame-based fear, guilt and obedience to dogma

Divinity or Bovinity: shame-based fear, guilt and obedience to dogma

Victoria Standard: December 2013

Canadian Perspective on the 2008 U.S. Financial Crisis

Canadian Perspective on the 2008 U.S. Financial Crisis

As published in Humanist Perspectives: Part 1 - Summer 2013 / Part 2 - Autumn 2013 and National Library of Australia

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